casino dealer salary


I’ve been working as a casino dealer for the last few years, and I know that I’ve been making a decent amount of money, but I just don’t know if I can say that I am a very good poker player. I’ve been playing for a little over 5 years, and I feel like I’ve improved a lot over the years, but I can’t say that I can call myself a very good player.

Well, that’s just ridiculous. I’m not just trying to say that you’re not a good player, I’m saying that you’re not a very good player. Poker is no easy game.

Its easier to be good at a game because you have to learn your limits and you learn them by playing. Poker, like any other card game, has a set amount of skill. Its very easy to become a good poker player, because you have to learn your limits and you learn them by playing, but you dont have to do that all the time if you don’t want to.

Well, I guess if youre a player then you should probably be a good poker player, and if you’re a poker player then you should probably be a good player. When I was playing poker at the bar, I was playing with all of the top players in the game. I learned a lot from them, because they are the best players I know. So if youre good at poker, you should be good at poker, right? Wrong. Poker is like chess or go.

It’s like playing in a world of other good players. When a player likes your game, they will help you practice your game. If they don’t like your game, they will not help you practice your game. It’s like being a good player, but not playing poker.

The problem is that poker is actually a pretty complicated game. Many people don’t understand how to play, and many people don’t understand how to win. Poker is one of those games that many players forget to practice. So playing poker in a bar is like going to a bar and forgetting to pay on the tab, or forgetting to check your phone, or forgetting to pay your tab.

There are two kinds of poker players. The first kind is the kind of player who is good at playing. They know the game, they can play it, and they are willing to pay the highest rate possible to play the game. The problem is, they are very likely to be the worst poker players. The second kind are the “casino dealers.” This is the type of player who likes to play the game and loses. Casino dealers are the low-skilled players.

In order to be a good casino dealer, you have to be good at reading people, and the best way to do that is to have a big ego. Because all the casino dealers do is look at the big-nosed people standing behind the wheel of the tables and they lose.

Most casino dealers have an ego too big for them to be able to play poker. It’s too much of a hassle to read people and even more of a hassle to read other players’ cards. This isn’t the only problem casinos have with poker players. You also have the problem that most casino dealers are also casino dealers. The casino dealers are basically the jackpot players.

Casino dealers are the players that win the biggest money. In order to earn big money you have to be able to beat the crap out of people. The casino dealers are the people that win the big jackpot and get the big paychecks.


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