My dad once said, “The best man in the world is a man who never loses money.” I think I would add, “The best man in the world is someone who never loses self-awareness.
I’m not sure if I agree with that statement’s meaning, but it sounds pretty right. In fact the best man I know for my dad was a man who never lost self-awareness. I think he was the best man I knew growing up because he never lost the ability to remember that he was a man who needed to have a drink with his friends, and when he couldn’t, he was a man who drank his own blood.
Anderson is a man who has money and power. With the best man in the world, he has more money and power than anyone else because he has never lost the ability to remember that he was the best man in the world, so he can enjoy a drink and a smoke. And just like any other man, he is also aware of his financial and power issues and is trying to get himself out of them.
So in a way, Anderson is a man in an alternate universe, and with his powers, he has become a god, and the god that everyone else is in the real world. He has a relationship with his alter ego, the god-man, and he is also aware of his financial and power issues. But he doesn’t need to rely on power and money to feel good. That’s why you sometimes see celebrities drinking and smoking. They need it to feel good.
But he doesnt need to be able to drink, smoke, or ride a motorcycle to feel like he’s living a better life as a human being. He just needs to be able to live the life he wants and get paid for it.
Because he may feel like a fraud for his lifestyle, the Godman is also the god-man. Not only does he act as the actual god, he has a special relationship with the humans around him. Like any other god, he doesnt have emotions, so he doesn’t matter. He can just be around as the god, or he can act as the God-Man too. Either way, he just needs to feel good.
Not only does Anderson have a special relationship with the humans, he has a special relationship with his motorcycle. He has a special relationship with his bike because he can live a better life as a human. He just needs to be able to live a better life as a human.
This is not to say that Anderson is more human than a god or a man. He is just a less human being with a higher moral compass. Anderson’s relationship with his motorcycle is a good example of this. Anderson makes a living off of the people around him. He doesn’t need to be the best. He just needs to be better than the rest.
This is a good example of this because he has the best of intentions. He doesnt want to be the best but he knows that he has to do something good to move up in the world. He isnt a god. He wasnt a man. He is a man. He wasnt a god. But he wanted to be better than the rest. With that in mind, he is trying to become a god.
The truth is that no one is as good as they think they are. Anderson is the best version of himself. He would probably try to do anything to make up for the fact that he didnt have the best of intentions. He would probably try to do anything to get as good a result as he thinks he can get. That is his goal, to be the best.